Breaking News
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Just received an email that Deep Discount's "Big Winter Sale" starts Monday afternoon, November 22nd, and runs through December 10th.

Items will be 25% off. There wasn't a coupon code in the email so perhaps the discounts will be taken off automatically.

This is always a great sale where I accomplish a lot of my Christmas shopping. However, a word of caution: I've recently been experiencing unusually sluggish service from Deep Discount, including back orders of brand-new merchandise which weren't filled in a reasonable time frame. So if you place an order, keep a close eye on its progress.

Monday Update: Just received a coupon code, 25 MORE. Please feel free to post additional coupon codes in the comments...they come in handy! (I always seem to think of something extra after I place my initial sale order...)

Wednesday Update: I've found an additional coupon code, DVDTALK25.

In curious news, I was charged tax by Deep Discount for the first time ever when I placed a sale order this evening. I also noticed that a couple items in my order were noted "Ships from manufacturer." I assume if the manufacturer is in California that may have something to do with it. I've never before had Deep Discount ship me something using that method.


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