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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Miscellaneous bits of news and fun stuff from around the Internet...

...Moira Finnie has a most interesting profile of actress Helen Walker at the TCM Blog; Moira will have more on Walker's career in a Part 2. Walker's credits included CLUNY BROWN (1946) and CALL NORTHSIDE 777 (1948). In the early '70s I saw the nutty comedy MURDER, HE SAYS (1945), starring Walker, Fred MacMurray, and Marjorie Main, at the L.A. County Museum of Art. At the time I think the film's humor was lost on me, but I'd like to try it again.

...Also over at the TCM Blog, Kimberly Lindbergs reviews BACHELOR IN PARADISE (1961). I've got this one sitting in a stack of tapes to watch. I've heard it has terrific visuals, which Kimberly confirms, saying it's "an eye-full of early ’60s Americana."

...One more from an especially interesting week at TCM: Suzidoll takes a look a REAP THE WILD WIND (1942), which I reviewed here.

...Leonard Maltin gave the new film CITY ISLAND (2009), starring Andy Garcia and Julianna Margulies, a thumbs up.

......And speaking of "thumbs up," you may have heard by now that AT THE MOVIES is no more, cancelled after nearly a quarter of a century.

...The classic Warner Bros. TV show 77 SUNSET STRIP may become a feature film directed by Greg Berlanti (BROTHERS AND SISTERS).

...Black and White: Cinema and Chocolate reviews Kay Francis in MARY STEVENS, M.D. My review from last fall is here.

...Disney World has dressed up its monorails to publicize TRON LEGACY, coming in December. Jeff Bridges and Bruce Boxleitner have roles in this sequel to their 1982 film TRON. The movie also stars Michael Sheen (THE QUEEN).

...Warner Archive is having a "5 for $55" sale through March 31st. Free shipping, too. You just have to check and make sure the DVD-R's work as soon as they arrive...

...Slow Cooker BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwiches...the accompanying photo makes me hungry!

...I'd love to see James Mason and Joan Bennett in THE RECKLESS MOMENT (1949), which reunited Mason with Max Ophuls, the director of CAUGHT, released the same year. It's only out on Region 2 DVD, but it's a fairly low price at Amazon UK if you have an all-region player.

...It's been a depressing week for those of us who believe the economic facts show that, short of repealing Obamacare, the nation is now doomed to financial disaster. Add to that -- just for starters -- the coming decline in the quality and availability of medical care, the battle of statism vs. freedom, and the way we're continuing to mistreat our nation's longtime allies...and it's a very anxious, unsettled time.

...Welcome back to Ivan of Thrilling Days of Yesteryear! Ivan is out of the hospital and back to blogging. His posts this week include a tribute to Robert Culp.

Have a great weekend!


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